The Importance of Setting SMART Goals and Tracking Them in JenesisNow! by pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3866326

Setting and achieving realistic goals is one of the key measures of success. Whether your agency wants to improve its daily operations or earn more revenue, the SMART concept can help you revolutionize your goals.

SMART goals are ones that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals. These criteria provide the framework for setting goals and achieving them. It does that by ensuring clarity and focus for every goal.

Fortunately, there are various technologies that can help insurance agencies stay on track with their SMART goals. JenesisNow is a comprehensive insurance agency management system designed to automate work operations. It offers various features that can make goal setting and tracking easier for agents.

Keep reading to discover how JenesisNow and SMART goals can help propel your agency into undiscovered success.

Unpacking the SMART Goals Framework

George Doran, Arthur Miller, and James Cunningham introduced SMART goals in 1981. Since then, this framework has helped kickstart success in businesses worldwide:

  • Specific: This means that goal setting should leave no room for ambiguity. Any goal you have for your agency must be precise and provide a clear direction for action.
  • Measurable: This part of the framework helps determine when a goal has been reached and allows for tracking the progress of others. As such, goals must be measurable through quantitative metrics.
  • Achievable: All your goals must be realistic. This will motivate your team to reach them.
  • Relevant: Lofty goals are good but must fit into the bigger picture. All goals must contribute to fulfilling the mission of your agency.
  • Time-Bound: This creates a sense of urgency and helps direct the focus toward planning and prioritizing goals.

The Importance of Setting SMART Goals for Your Insurance Agency

By implementing SMART goals in your insurance agency, you provide your team with a roadmap. They can follow this map while working efficiently to achieve more in less time.

Furthermore, SMART goals will help your agents see how their individual goals align with your agency’s mission. In turn, this will motivate them to work to achieve not only their personal goals but also your agency’s success.

You can also continue to assess each team member’s progress against the SMART principle. This will help foster a culture of continuous improvement in the workplace.

An Introduction to JenesisNow’s Goal Tracker

You can use JenesisNow’s Goal Tracker in conjunction with SMART goals. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to set different goals for various departments. The tracker fits within the broader JenesisNow software platform, which makes it easily accessible to all team members.

The Goal Tracker exists to simplify creating, tracking, and managing SMART goals on one platform.

Step-by-Step: Setting Up Goals in JenesisNow

To create goals using the Goal Tracker, open the JenesisNow platform, click on Tools, and then Goals. The plus sign on the Goals page will open a popup window where you can enter the details of each goal.

If you want to add subcategories for a specific goal, you can enter the information in the Action Steps section of the popup window. Remember to save before closing the window.

Once your team achieves a goal, the person who did so should fill in the Completed Date on the tracker. A message of congratulations will pop up, and the completed goal will change color to green.

It is essential to learn how each element works so that all the departments in your agency can work together to reach their goals.

Celebrating Achievements and Goal Completion

Completing a goal in the Goal Tracker is a reason for celebration. It means you’re one step closer to realizing your agency’s full potential. Whenever your team completes a goal or reaches a milestone, it is essential to take the time to celebrate and express your appreciation. Doing this will go a long way in motivating ongoing success.

Motivation also inspired the “Congratulations” message on the Goal Tracker. Everyone wants to feel valued and that their contribution is appreciated. Any positive feedback will help motivate your team to keep striving for excellence. 

Also, the system has been designed to make it easy to spot completed goals. With this in mind, your agents can work towards adding to the number of achieved goals.

Efficiently Navigating and Managing Goals in JenesisNow

Furthermore, the Goal Tracker makes it easy to sort and view goals by user. For instance, if you assign different goals to different agents, you can easily track each goal using this feature. The platform also offers a search bar, so you don’t have to scroll through long lists trying to find a specific goal.

Using the Goal Tracker will help you continuously review existing goals and update them as you go along. This process will optimize your team’s performance for the good of your agency.


SMART goals combined with JenesisNow’s Goal Tracker can help your agency succeed and stand out from the competition. It also opens the way to ongoing success. Now is the time to use technology to drive efficiency and excellence in your agency. And there is no better way to do it than using an established platform like JenesisNow.

Start your SMART goals journey with JenesisNow today. Contact us to schedule a demo and take the first step towards constantly achieving goals in your agency.