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Introducing the option to rename the Suspense box in JenesisClassic – one way Jenesis is making your life easier.

Jenesis insurance software for agents was thoughtfully designed to help insurance agents be more efficient, and this simple rename feature has been highly requested. We’re so happy to announce that this affordable insurance agency management system from just got better!

This video tutorial teaches you how to rename the Suspense box title and make it easier for you to understand and use the JenesisClassic system.

JenesisClassic – Customize Suspense Box

In the center of your Jenesis Classic dashboard screen, the main box that houses your to-do list or action items is entitled Suspense.

These actions are pending, in process, need attention, or require your follow up today. However, if you weren’t trained using the term “suspense” for these items, this might be confusing.

You can now easily change the Suspense box title to any other term you like, making it easier for you to track and take action on your pending tasks.

Check out this other helpful Suspense tip in JenesisClassic:

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JenesisClassic – Tabs Feature

JenesisClassic windows now open as tabs instead of maintaining all navigation inside one window.

Now you can navigate from the Dashboard window into a customer profile and into a customer policy, all without having to click back or navigate away from your original dashboard window.

Each navigation selection opens a new tab at the top of your screen, so you can quickly move between tabs to perform tasks and never lose track of where you began.

Close the tabs at the top when you’re complete with that task and return to your Dashboard window. This reduces the time between addressing an interruption and getting back on task.


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Updates have been made to the Suspense display on the client main screen. Now you can filter and search within the suspenses!


JenesisClassic – Filtering Suspenses

Changes have been made to the suspense tab on the client main screen.

In the suspense tab on the client main screen, suspenses can be filtered to display All, Completed, or Incomplete using the Filter By Status dropdown box below the list. You may also search your filtered suspenses by a keyword by typing into the Filter Suspense Description search bar.

Now when you navigate into a client’s file, the incomplete suspenses are automatically displayed, but you may view them all and search through them when needed.

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This video tutorial will teach you how to navigate and effectively use the Quote Control section to convert potential clients to customers in JenesisClassic.


JenesisClassic – Quote Control

Quote control is a method for tracking policies within your system. Quotes and policies are considered to be two different entities inside Jenesis, and should be tracked separately so you can easily pull up a quote or a policy for reference.

Tracking quotes can also help you leverage Jenesis’ built-in functions to generate leads automatically through an email campaign or analysis of one or more of the 36 available reports.

One of the best reports for tracking quotes is the Quote Versus Written Ration Per Producer.

From your Dashboard, notice the Pending Quotes section. You can set up filters using the drop-down arrows and headings to customize which quotes display within this card. Adjust by the user, date, and the type of quote.

The Total Premium value below the Quote card reflects the total premium per status.

Right-click within the Pending quote card, and notice an options menu appears where you can add new, filter, delete, and review, among other options.

When you begin working with a new lead, you want to make sure this person is not already in your system. You can use the “Find Stored Quotes” option from the right-clicked menu inside the quote card or you can hit Ctrl + Q to bring up the search box.

Type the new lead’s information into the boxes and if Jenesis finds a match, the names will be displayed under the Quote Control header. If that lead is in the system as a client, their name will appear under the Current Client List section.

Wherever you find their name, either use the existing quote to update their information and fill in gaps or use their current account to create a new quote that may potentially be added to the policy. Both of these options transfer existing client information to the new policy quote.

Complete as much information as possible, gathering all contact information, vehicle or housing information, and policy needs detail from your client. Notice the email and text buttons – if you have this information updated, this is great for communicating with your client moving forward.

Use the status field to tell Jenesis what stage of the quote you’re in with this client. Once all information is gathered, use the options in the Quote Menu at the top. Some options are imports and others are exports.

As you receive rate quotes from carriers, store them in the stored rates section. The best rate is automatically sorted to the top. Keep track of unique differences between policies in the notes section. Double click on the quote line to add additional information, such as the quote URL to the line.

To select the best quote and create a policy, highlight the desired line, click the Import Stored Rate button, and decide if you want payment information imported.

Now, the policy detail will populate on the right side of your Quote Control screen for that customer. Enter any fees your agency charges, and when you’re ready to turn this lead into a policy, click the Export to Jenesis button in the bottom left.

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Why should you require a source on every quote/policy? and How to set up source tracking.


JenesisClassic – Manage And Track Your Sources

Sources can be found in Quote Control, on the Client Main Screen, and inside your Policy View. Having a source for your clients is important because you can use this data from reports and use it toward marketing in the future.

To set up the sources that will be listed in the drop-down boxes, navigate to Utilities in the menu at the top of your screen, and select Customer Source List from the expanded menu.

Under the “Select Source to be Transferred or Deleted” window, you can see where all of your business is coming from and you have the option to Add, Delete, or Transfer these Source titles.

From within Agency Setup (also listed under Utilities from the menu across the top of the screen), select the preferences tab. Find the checkbox next to Require Source.

Checking this checkbox will require each of your users to note a source prior to exiting a policy or a quote.

From Quote Control, next to the Source drop-down menu, notice the small box with 3 dots. Clicking that box/button will also open the “Select Source to be Transferred or Deleted” window where you can Add sources.

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Welcome to the tour of the Jenesis Client Portal!

Accessible by clients at with assigned credentials.

Upon sign-in, they’ll be automatically directed to the dashboard.

The menu on the left allows them to access their account information, your agency contact information, and an option to exit and log out.

The tab options include Information, Policies, Payment History, ID Card(s), and Certificate of Insurance.

The Information tab displays first and second insured information, including email addresses and phone numbers.

From the Policies tab, your insured can see any policies they have with your agency. The default view includes active policies, but the client can use the sort and filter options at the top and the Status indicator at the bottom to view any past or present policies they’ve had with your agency.

They can also navigate into a policy to view details, rates, renewal dates, and their payment history.

On the right, notice a Make a Payment button and a Make a Claim button. Inside Jenesis, you can create links and connect these buttons to the correct web pages, based on the client’s insurance carrier, so that the client has easy access to conduct business.

From the Payment History tab, the client can view their payment history, as reflected by the receipting feature in Jenesis. To display accurate payment history in this portal for your client, ensure the receipt records are up to date in Jenesis. Notice the purple button on the right, where the client can View or Print a receipt for their recent payments.

The ID Card tab allows your customers to generate an ID card for their vehicle policies by selecting the policy and vehicle for which they want an ID card. They’ll be presented the option to view (in a new tab) or email the ID cards.

The Certificate of Insurance tab is where a customer can pull their certificate of insurance. This tab pulls from certificates that have already been generated in Jenesis for this customer’s policies. By choosing the certificate holder, they can opt to view or email the certificate, same as the ID cards.

You customers also have the option to add a new certificate holder from within the Certificate of Insurance tab, which will also reflect in the certificate holder section in Jenesis.

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How to use the Policy Type Tool in JenesisClassic.

If you’re doing a conversion from JenesisClassic to JenesisNow, it’s important to note that your policy types match up prior to the final conversion.

You’re going to have personal lines and commercial lines (it’s going to look the same for both.)
Go into Personal Lines. It’s going to pull up a list of all the policy types that you have in your system. If it’s matched up already, you just want to verify that those are correct.
Then you are going to match up the ones that are not already matched.

If it’s blank or you aren’t sure about the name, you have to go in manually to fix those.

Select the Recommended Policy Type that each item in the Current Policy Type list matches with.
Once you’re finished, you’ll hit the Update and Close button.

The best way to figure out how to label those that are blank or interestingly named is by navigating into the Reports tab at the top and selecting Production. Pull up a production report by Policy Type, and then choose All under your date range, then click the View button. Notice there’s one that doesn’t have a policy type.
If any are displayed without a policy type, assign a policy type.

Now we look at the commercial lines, then match the policy type (Using the same method & process as displayed for personal lines).
If you find blanks or any that you can’t assign, view those policies by navigating into Reports (tab at the top) under Production and the Commercial Lines tab. Select “Production Report by Policy Type,” change the date range to All, and select View.

This report is the fastest way to identify policies missing a Line of Business title, displaying Do Not Use, and other names you couldn’t match to a Policy Type.

Navigate into the first policy missing the policy type. The trick is to look at the Policy Type displayed in the Policy General Section near the Policy Term dates; In the example, there are 11 items. Use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen to flip through the policy terms until you see the Policy Type display blank. Then you are going to add the correct policy type label – in this case, “Commercial Umbrella”. Keep clicking through the terms of each of the “blank” policies and fill them all in until you have no blank policy types remaining.

To double-check, go back to the report and match up the policy types.
Now that you know how to use the tool, you want to use it before we grab a copy of your data for the transition to JenesisNow.

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JenesisClassic allows for the convenience of storing several rate quotes in Quote Control.


JenesisClassic – Storing Rates in Quote Control

How to store rates in your customer’s quotes. The example in this video is using a homeowner’s policy, however, the same can be done with auto and other policy types.

Beginning inside the quote, select the Stored Rates button at the bottom. This is where you’ll record the rates you’re collecting from carriers as you’re preparing the quote for your customer. Your best quote is automatically stored at the top as your first/best option.

Use the add button to add a line item to the stored rates. Use the edit button to edit a line item. The Company Quote Options button will show the carriers we write with and through whom we might provide a quote. The Bridge to Company button will allow you to link to the carrier’s web address.

Entering the most accurate rates and detail in the stored rates section will allow you to use the “Import Stored Rate” button on the client quote screen once they’ve decided to accept the quote and convert it to a policy. This imports payment and premium information for your client, so you don’t have to remember to enter it at a later time.

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Managing claims is easy in JenesisClassic and this video shows you how.


JenesisClassic – Managing Claims

On the client main screen, notice the Claims tab in the center, below the Comments box.

When you select this tab, any existing claims should be displayed. There are two buttons below this box to Add Claim (create a new claim) or Delete Claim (use caution, please). You can double click any lines displayed to dive into the claim and review details.

When you click into a claim, a Claim Information window opens. In this window, you’ll notice spaces for all loss detail, dates, the location/address the loss occurred, claim number, and description.

To submit this claim and create a loss notice for the customer or carrier, select the Save & Continue to Loss Notice button. In the example, we’re processing an auto loss notice, so we select Yes to this confirmation question.

The Automobile Loss Notice Acord Form is created with the detail prefilled. However, you are able to continue edits and provide more detail directly onto the form from this window.

Use the Save to Images or Print button to provide the form to the company or customer via email, mail, or print.

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Have any of your clients come up for renewal? Wouldn’t you love to know a simple way to re-shop their policy for a smooth insurance policy renewal?


Re-shopping Renewals

Beginning at the Jenesis Main Screen, select Reports from the top menu. Then select the type (auto, life, health, commercial) of renewals you’d like to review.

This will display policies pending renewal, in addition to their old and new effective date, old and new premium, and premium change. This is all displayed in the Renewal Policy Review window.

This window will allow you to view this category of policies with upcoming renewal dates, per customer.

In the first example, a standard increase of $100 for the year seems reasonable. In this case, in the Re-Quoted box, I select “No – Standard” to signify that I’m not going to requote this policy and that the increased cost is standard for the industry.

Move to the next client by clicking on the small, grey, right arrow at the bottom of this Renewal Policy Review window.

The next client has a significant premium increase and it would be best practice to re-shop this policy.

To begin the re-shopping process, click on the Go To Client button to enter into the policy. Select Close on the current Renewal Policy Review window.

Within the Client Main Screen, select the policy you want to re-shop. Select the Quote Control button at the bottom of the screen from within the Policy view. The Quote Control window will pop up, where each quote previously provided is shown. Select the New Quote button.

A Jenesis support box will pop up questioning if you want to import the information from the open insurance policy into Quote Control. In this example, I do want to import the client’s payment information, so I select Yes.

Select Close in the Quote Control box to view the new quote screen. Notice all current policy information has been imported. Select the correct coverages and re-rate. From this screen, you can communicate with the client via email or text once you have new rate information.

When the client calls back and agrees to re-write coverage and move to the new, cheaper policy, handle this the same as you would write new coverage.

Select the Export to Jenesis button in the bottom right corner, enter the new policy number and premium.

If you re-quote the coverage and are unable to find a better price, note this in the “Reason not Written” drop-down box as shown. Select Close to return to the Client Main Screen.

Ctrl+M will return you to the Jenesis Main Screen

Select the Reports tab at the top and from the submenu, select the type of policy you’re working with. Then select Renew. In this example, we use an Auto policy.

A Renewal Policy Review window appears. Select Re-Quoted and the correct option as to what occurred during the re-shopping process.

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How to use WeSignature with JenesisClassic.


JenesisClassic – WeSignature

How to use WeSignature with JenesisClassic.

To begin, you need to make sure you’re in J-images within the client’s account. Either you can access them from the main screen or you can access them through your policy by clicking the Client Images button at the bottom.

After selecting the image (form, application, proposal, etc.) for which a signature is required, choose the WeSignature button located at the bottom of the J-images window. A window with the signer’s information will appear. Select submit.

After you click Submit, WeSignature will open. Once you’ve logged into WeSignature, you will see the attached document on the bottom left. Designate the signee and click continue.

The document requiring a signature will appear. Add the signature field anywhere a signature is required on the document. To do so, select the signature tab on the left. This will then display a signature box that you can drag where you need it. Following the placement of the signature boxes, you can select Update Document at the top next to the red arrow.

After the document has been updated, complete the box to the right with the recipient’s information and a message requesting their signature. You have the option to request both signature and payment. Select Send once all fields are completed.

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How to set up your client portal for your team members as well as your insured in JenesisClassic.

JenesisClassic- Setting up the Client Portal

How to set up your client portal for your team members as well as your insured in JenesisClassic.

3 things covered in this video:

  • User set up
  • Company Setup
  • Setting up your insured

You can access User Setup by going to Utilities, then selecting Users Setup. During Setup, you’ll create Portal Accounts for all your team members.

Select the Portal Settings tab at the bottom of each profile. In the next window, you will create an email address and password for your agents. They will use these credentials to log in to their agent account on the portal.

Company Set-Up

Select Company Setup from the Utilities menu at the top. Select the company you want from the list. (In this example we use Progressive)

Payment URLs and Claims URLs appear in your company profile. These are something you should set up for two reasons:
You can direct clients to the company’s website so they can make payments or check on their policy directly from the link you apply to this URL field
You can provide the URL for your client to submit a claim directly from the portal to the company’s website.

Insured Set Up

Navigate into the client account.

Portal settings for the first and second insured are located to the right of their phone numbers. When you click the Portal Settings button, a pop-up will prompt you to enter an email address and password as the login information for your insured.

Click Send Credentials and complete the fields in the new email window, sending those credentials to your client by clicking “Send Email” at the bottom.

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Bridging to a Company from Quote Control in JenesisClassic

JenesisClassic -Bridging to Company

How to bridge to a company from quote control in JenesisClassic.

Under Pending Quote, select the customer to make Quote Control appear.

To see all stored rates from various companies, select Stored Rates at the bottom.

Quote Store Rates will appear in the window.

After selecting the company you would like to bridge to and moving forward with binding your policy, click the company to highlight, then select Bridge to Company.

Google Chrome will display the login screen instead of Internet Explorer.

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How to delete and recover images in JenesisClassic.

JenesisClassic Deleting or Restoring Images

To begin, pick a client’s name to access that person’s profile. In the client profile, at the bottom of the page, look for the tab titled Client Images, and click it. Then, a new screen will open. To remove an image, select the image with a single click and then push the Delete button. Next, click Yes when prompted to confirm your action. Soon after, you’ll see the image is no longer there.

If you need to recover an image after deleting it, you’ll see a checkbox called Show Deleted Only above the Delete tab. Deleted images can be viewed by checking the box. View an image by double-clicking it, and you can recover by selecting Undelete at the bottom. This will make it appear with the other files and disappear from the deleted section.

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How to use a spell checker when writing an email in JenesisClassic.

JenesisClassic- Spell Checker

Your email now has a spell checker. A red line will appear under the word if you misspell a word while writing an email. To fix the misspelled word, right-click it and choose the correct spelling from the list that appears at the bottom.

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How to store multiple rates using quote control in JenesisClassic?

JenesisClassic- Storing multiple rates in Quote Control

The feature allows you to store more than one rate at the same time. By hitting Shift on your keyboard, you can select multiple lines at once. You’re able to use Control, too. Next, select Apply To Stored Rates at the bottom. A window will appear to clarify and select Ok!

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