How to leverage your videos - photo of man with a camera by pexels-kyle-loftus

If your insurance agency is not already leveraging videos in your insurance agency’s marketing, then you are missing out. Videos are a great way to boost engagement with clients and potential clients and to share information. Take a closer look at some of the ways your insurance agency can leverage videos and use them to your advantage.

Always Be Authentic

No matter what type of videos you create, it is important to be authentic in them. Your goal with videos is to help people connect with your insurance agency, and they can only do that if you are authentic. Be yourself and let your agency’s personality show.

Keep It Under 2 Minutes and Include Captions

When creating video content for your insurance agency, there are a few things you can do to boost engagement and make sure people watch the entire video.

Start by keeping the videos short, about two minutes or less in length. Then, be sure to add captions to the video. This does more than just improve accessibility to clients who are hard of hearing. It also lets people watch your video in crowded places without headphones or somewhere that they wouldn’t be able to listen to it.

Keep It Shorter on Certain Social Media Pages

On Instagram or LinkedIn, you want to keep your videos shorter than two minutes. The ideal is more like 15 seconds to 90 seconds. Facebook videos, however, tend to do best when they are about two minutes.

Include Branding in the Video

The primary goal of your videos is to help with marketing and branding. As such, your insurance agency’s name and logo need to appear in it. While you want to include these things, you don’t want to make them too large. To start, you stick to including them in the bottom third of the video as well as on thumbnails, title cards, and any intro/outro graphics you may have.

Take Advantage of Visuals

The great thing about videos is that they are highly visual in nature, so you can take advantage of this. For example, you can use charts or graphs to help share information. If you are comparing two types of insurance, add in a bulleted list for each. If you are telling a story, consider some basic animation.

Share the Videos

Once you create videos, take the time to share them. You can include them on your website and social media pages. Consider incorporating some into your email marketing campaign.

Ideas for Video Content

With the above tips in mind, it is time to think about the content of your video. The following ideas are great starting points and can help significantly with engagement.

Tell Your Story in a Brand Video

Using stories sells, especially when it comes to insurance. While you may use this knowledge in interactions with clients as you try to sign them up, that’s not the only time to use it. You can also create a video to tell your agency’s story and help bring in clients.

This is a great way to improve brand awareness while also making it easier to connect to your insurance agency and your agents. As a bonus, it can highlight your capabilities and experience, helping convince potential clients to choose your agency over others.

Or Tell Client Stories

We already mentioned telling client stories in one-on-one interactions to sell insurance, but you can also do this with videos. Ask your clients to share testimonials about their experience with you and how it affected them.

Remember that you want your clients to be authentic in these videos, just like your brand should be authentic in all of your content.

Introduce Your Team

Yet another variation of the storytelling theme in videos is to introduce your team members. Create a series of videos where your team highlights their experience and why they started working with insurance. They can throw in any relevant stories they want.

This helps people feel a connection with your team. It also gives you a chance to subtly highlight how experienced your insurance agency is.

Educate Your Audience

One of the most common types of videos any business will create is educational ones. For an insurance agency, this can be any number of things, such as explaining:

  • Different types of insurance.
  • How to decide the level of coverage you need.
  • How to file a claim.
  • How to use your Jenesis client portal to access their policy information.

For the best results, look for topics that clients have questions about. For example, if clients tend to ask the same questions when comparing policies, answer them in a video.

This will not only add value to your services, but it also shows your audience that you are knowledgeable. That cements you as an industry leader and makes them more likely to choose your insurance agency.

Supplement Your Blog with Videos

Your insurance agency hopefully already has a blog for content marketing and SEO. Consider creating videos to supplement it. You can create a separate vlog or just integrate the two. For example, for every blog post you upload, consider creating a short video to go with it. This will help you reach a wider audience by giving visitors the option of reading or watching.

Consider Live Videos Like Webinars

Leveraging video for your insurance agency doesn’t mean that everything has to be pre-recorded. Webinars are also an excellent opportunity to boost engagement, educate clients, and subtly showcase your agency’s knowledge. The fact that they streamed live should boost engagement.

Of course, you also want to record the webinar and post it for people who can’t attend. This way, you essentially get two types of video marketing in one: the live webinar and the video for later.


Leveraging videos is a great way to expand the reach and engagement of your insurance agency. With the right strategies, you will notice a boost in both client retention and your ability to attract clients.