What are Prebuilt Reports within JenesisNow?

Prebuilt Reports within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Prebuilt Reports

Go to the left-sided vertical menu, hover over the reports icon, and click on reports to bring up the Reports page. On the reports page, in the first column, the third section is the Default Pre-Built Reports.

To use these pre-built reports, click on the one desired, bringing up the report, and just like any report, it will give you the three columns (Possible Columns, Report Columns, and Filter/Action Column) to choose from, except now in the Filter/Action section the choices needed for the report are already chosen.

If you would like to change the pre-built report, click the Clone Report button and then make any changes you would like to make, including the name of the report. Once done making the changes desired for the report, click the save button, and then it will run like your memorized reports, and you will be able to pull this report just like any other report.

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Category: Clients, Reporting

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