How do I add Custom Payment Types & Fees in JenesisNow?

How to add your custom fee automation in JenesisNow. Custom Payment types and Fees – JenesisNow To begin, select All Locations under Agency (AGY) on the left sidebar. The next step is to select the area to which you would like to add your payments. Scroll down...

How does the Time Clock feature work in JenesisNow?

An overview of the Time Clock feature in JenesisNow. JenesisNow – Time Clock This video will demonstrate how to use the time clock feature within JenesisNow. First, turn on the timeclock to make it active, and this is done by going to the left-sided vertical...

Is JenesisNow easy to use? See an overview.

Do you need a true web-based, affordable agency management system to help run your agency, but think switching systems will be costly and painful? JenesisNow is the easiest Insurance Agency Management System on the market! We’re so happy to share the...