by Gopal D | Apr 17, 2023
Commercial and Excess Flood Policy Types within JenesisNow JenesisNow – Commercial and Excess Flood Policy Types We have made some adjustments and enhancements to flood policies, specifically commercial and excess flood policies. In Commercial Flood Policy,...
by Gopal D | Mar 22, 2023
Renew Policies with Increments within JenesisNow JenesisNow-Renew Policies with Increments We have made an update to renew a policy manually with an Increment within JenesisNow. On the Personal Auto Policy screen, go to Policy Info. section and click the Renew Policy...
by Gopal D | Mar 22, 2023
Merge Duplicate Policies within JenesisNow JenesisNow-Merge Duplicate Policies Sometimes when downloading policies, duplicates will appear, but now there is an easy way to merge these two files in JenesisNow. Go to the Policies section to merge these two policies, go...
by Gopal D | Mar 22, 2023
Adding Multiple Violations for a Driver Made Easier and More Efficient within JenesisNow JenesisNow-Adding multiple Violations for Drivers In the personal auto policy screen, go to the Drivers section, and click on the driver for whom you are adding the violations to...
by Gopal D | Mar 22, 2023
Adding Media to a Note within JenesisNow JenesisNow-Add Media in a Note We have now made it to where you can add media to a note. To add media to a note, go to the note card, and click the plus sign to make a new note. In the pop-up window, type your desired note;...