How do I do Endorsements in JenesisNow?

JenesisNow- Creating Endorsements

This video will show you how to use endorsement if your agency uses downloads and if your agency doesn’t use downloads.

Downloads used –

Go to the policy to be endorsed. To put a link to the company for the policy, go to the left-sided vertical toolbar, select companies, then all companies, and on the company’s website, access their profile and embed the link to the policy. With downloads, go to the carrier’s site and add the endorsement needed to this specific policy.

After making the endorsement on the carrier’s site, go back to the policy page and note the endorsement. To do this, go to the Notes card, click the plus sign, attach the media file, or give a brief description, and then click the blue Save and Suspense button to have it populate. Then, in the New Suspense window, create a reminder to check back on this expense to ensure it came through, and click the green Save Suspense button below. After completing the Suspense, click the green Save Policy button in the upper right corner to save what you did to the policy.

Don’t use Downloads –

On the policy screen, click the plus sign on the card type you want to create, such as Vehicles. Then, enter the needed information in the pop-up window and click the green Save and Close button at the bottom.

After creating the endorsement in the pop-up window, back on the policy page, make a note of the endorsement. To do this, go to the Notes card, click the plus sign, attach the media file, or give a brief description, and then click the blue Save and Suspense button to have it populate. Then, in the New Suspense window, create a reminder to check back on this expense to ensure it came through, and click the green Save Suspense button below. After completing the Suspense, click the green Save Policy button in the upper right corner to save what you did to the policy. Then, follow your normal process of emailing the underwriter the acord form with the change/s made to the policy. Please check back and ensure this effect occurred and is showing up on the policy screen.

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Category: Policies

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