Have you been wondering how to integrate and use Sprucebooks in JenesisNow?

WeSignature Payments is a platform that JenesisNow integrates with, so if you would like to have credit card processing done through WeSignature Payments.

Once you have a WeSignature Payment account, go to the Jenesis main page, go to the left sidebar menu, hover over the Agency tab, and click on All Locations. Select the location, then on the location page, go to the section Integrated Accounts, and click the tab that states WeSignature Payments. Enter the API Key and URL Key provided through WeSignature Payments when you set up the account, and then make sure to push save. Now you have WeSignature set up and ready to use.

To use WeSignature Payments, go to the account you want to use, and in this demonstration, we will use Receipts. In the Receipts section, click on the plus sign to bring up a popup window to enter the information needed for payment, such as Payment Type (choose Credit Card to Agency), Payment To, Payment Method, Comments, Commission, Amount Due, and Amount Tendered.

After entering the information, a blue button, Online Credit Card, will be available to choose from; click on this button to select the credit card account you would like to use, and click continue. This will take you to the WeSignature Payments website, even though it still shows Spucebooks. Notice the client’s information is already filled in with other information we already filled in. You can process the payment from here and then go back to JenesisNow to ensure you give your customer a copy of a receipt via email, text, or print.

We hope this helps you with getting all your payments from your clients.

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