How do I Export a Quote to ITC TurboRater in JenesisNow?

How to export a quote from JenesisNow to ITC TurboRater in your system.

JenesisNow – Exporting a Quote to ITC TurboRater

Begin by looking up a customer in the search bar at the top. In Client View, scroll down to Policies.

This tutorial will show how to export a homeowners quote from JenesisNow to TurboRater. Now select a homeowners quote, and you’ll be brought to their Homeowners Policy.

Scroll down to the right and notice Policy Info. There’s a button labeled Policy XML File. Once you select it, it will begin to prepare the file. Then it will export, and you’ll see the file download at the bottom left of your screen.

Your TurboRater browser should be open. On the left, you’ll see Quotes; select it, then hit Import Quote. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be prompted to Import Policy From File and then select Choose File. Your computer files will show, and select the exported file you exported from Jenesis, hit open, then OK.

Next, you need to choose your effective date for the specific quote and click Set Effective Date. Notice all the information for the client will populate into the profile. You must fill out all the highlighted fields before you can proceed with a quote. Once done, hit Next towards the right.

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Category: Policies

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