What are the updates to the Download Report within JenesisNow?

Update to Download Report within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Download Report

We have now made an update to where you can specifically make a report for your downloads.

First, you need to access your reports; go to the vertical left-side menu, hover over reports, and then click reports within this section. Then in your Reporst screen in the Base Reports section, you will see Download Log; click download log to open the report.

You can create a report for your downloaded logs on this new page. You have the options to show on your report: Location, Company assigned to Policy, Agency Code, NAJC, Client Name, Policy Number, Policy Type, Purpose, and Transaction Date. To choose one of these options, click on the green arrow next to the option. After choosing an option, the section to the right will give you more specific options to choose from with your choice. Once you have chosen all your options, click on view report in the top right corner of the screen, and the report will appear.

We hope this new update makes things easier for your agency going forward.

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Category: Clients, Reporting

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