How to Search for Clients within JenesisNow?

Searching for Clients within JenesisNow

JenesisNow- Searching for Clients

This video will demonstrate how to search for your clients inside JenesisNow. There are a few ways to find your client.

First, use the Name Search bar in the upper-right corner. In this field, you may search by first, last, or business names.

The second option is to use the Advanced Search Option, done by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the name search bar, which will bring up the pop-up window for the Advanced Search Options. In this pop-up window, click on the Search-By field, and the options of Name, Driver, Address, Business Name, Email Address, Phone Number, or Policy Number will appear. Select the option desired to search by, and then in the Search field, type in the information to find the client.

The third option is to go over to the left-sided vertical toolbar, click on Clients, then All Clients, which will bring up the Clients screen. On this screen, all of your clients will be listed; use the filter options within the Status field to narrow your results.

We hope these three strategies make it easy for you to find your client and their policy.

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Category: Clients

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