There is a lot that goes into optimizing your website for search engines. If you would like an SEO Checklist for Insurance Agencies, I hope this is helpful. Here are a few easy to understand and verify tips that improve SEO and help your website rank well. The tips will also help you get the results you are looking for, which for most insurance agencies, is getting more quotes which lead to more customers.

The SEO Checklist for Insurance Agencies


Page URL

The URL for each specific page on your website needs to include the keyword for that page. This is the first item on the SEO Checklist for Insurance Agencies. For example, if you have a page on your site to promote auto insurance, the URL could be something like the following …



Page Title

Much like the page URL including your page keyword, the page title also needs to include the page keyword. The page title can be found by hovering your mouse over the page tab. The page description can be a little longer than the page URL which gives you a little more flexibility with more keyword rich language.


Page Description

Your page description is what shows up when someone does a search and your listing comes up. It’s the “description” that is under your company name and URL. You are able to write a sentence or two here to tell more about your product or service.



Images make a site look great. However, it is very important that behind the scenes, the image has a name. This name is referred to as the Alt Tag. Again, it’s best to use your keyword in as the image alt tag. Often, the default alt tag is used and it may be almost a random name or just a name of the image.



There are three areas to discuss with page links.


Internal Site Links

First, I will discuss links on your page that link to other pages on your site. These have SEO value and can be used to create a better experience for your visitors. An example of this could be to mention on your auto insurance page that you offer discounts when auto and home are bundled. When you talk about this on your auto page, you can add a link to your homepage. You can do the same thing from your home page. To illustrate here, if I were to tell you in this post about an article our own Phil Price published about how to get more google reviews, Do you see how I made a link to the blog?


External Site Links

The second link idea to mention is to add links to other sites that are not part of your site. An example of this could be to add links to your carriers or to other useful resources like your state’s insurance department. Another good use of this could be to add links on your page to partners like local businesses in your area. When adding links to your page that go to another site, be sure to add a no-follow attribute so the google crawlers do not follow those links thinking they are part of your site.


Back Links

One last thing to discuss with links is getting other, credible sites to link to your site. This can be done by making sure your Facebook and LinkedIn profiles have your business website address in them. Another way is to get local businesses in your area to add you to their partner page if they have one. Also, make sure all of your carriers have you listed on their site with your URL.


That’s the SEO Checklist for Insurance Agencies. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope it’s been helpful. If you would like to contact me, my email is and I always love talking about all aspects of the insurance business so please reach out to me.